More Maquia Cinema Screenings in July
Anime Limited has announced on its Twitter feed that will be more screenings of P.A. Works, Showgate, and Mari Okada's Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana o Kazarōfilm through July. Some of them will be on Wednesday July 4, including screenings at Ashley and Crawley (which experienced technical problems last week). Among the other venues screening the film in July will be Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Southampton and Birmingham.
Venue details and tickets are available at the film's website. The film opened in Japan on February 24. Anime Limited describes the story: The people of Iolph have a lifespan of hundreds of years and maintain their teenage appearances for life, but when the peace of this town is shattered by those who want the secret to their longevity for themselves, a young girl named Maquia is forced to escape. Wandering the land alone, upon finding an orphaned baby she chooses to raise him, but as this boy grows up so the difference in their lifespans is thrown into ever-sharper relief. The film is the directorial debut of anime screenwriter Okada (The Anthem of the Heart, anohana). She also wrote the film's scripts at P.A. Works.